Have you ever thought about investing in an aquarium? Maybe you’ve been mesmerized by beautiful fish in a waiting room tank when you arrived for a doctor or dentist appointment. Watching tropical fish can certainly be entertaining, and the variety of colors and shapes add visual interest to any room. Not only that, but the movement of the fish gliding through the water can induce a state of calm. 

These are some of the reasons why many people are interested in setting up an aquarium in their home. If you’re intrigued by the idea of keeping fish as pets, here’s some advice to consider. 

Why fish are unique 

Any kind of pet can bring joy to you and your family. It’s wonderful to share your household with another species, spending time getting to know them and how care for them. Interacting with your dog or cat is known to lower stress levels. What’s more, taking your dog for walks or playing with your cat can promote a healthier lifestyle. While interacting with your pet fish is quite different, it can also be very good for your health. 

One of the things that make fish unique among other pets is that they are perfect if you live in a small apartment or house. All you need is a corner to set up the tank where you can see it easily and where your pets will benefit from sufficient light. Plus, if you suffer from allergies to pet hair and dander, fish can be a great option. Another advantage of fish ownership is that there is an almost endless number of different types of fish you can keep. Their hues can be stunning and they come in a variety of sizes and shapes. 

Not to be outdone by canine and feline pets, fish also have distinct personalities. In addition, certain ones do well when kept with just their own kind and may harass species that are less aggressive. Different types of fish can have quite distinct needs, and it’s crucial to be aware of their specific requirements so they can thrive. 

Fish have special needs 

When you’re considering an aquarium, the saltwater vs. freshwater question is one of the first you’ll confront. Keep in mind that saltwater aquariums are more difficult and costly to maintain. You’ll have to spend more money and time ensuring your tank’s temperature, salinity, pH, water quality, calcium, and magnesium levels are in the correct ranges. For these reasons, freshwater tanks are recommended over saltwater for beginners. It’s best to start with a freshwater tank to familiarize yourself with tank maintenance and fish care. After a while, if you find that you enjoy the hobby, you can “graduate” to a saltwater aquarium.  

Each fish species is different, but they all share certain needs, chief among them a tank with good water quality. You’ll need to invest in equipment to create this environment. A good filtration system is essential to get rid of waste, while an air pump can circulate the water and keep it oxygenated. A cover for the top of the tank can keep fish from jumping out, prevent foreign objects from falling in, and reduce evaporation. A lamp can also be important if your tank contains live plants. Attention must also be given to maintaining an optimal water temperature, so a thermometer and heater may be necessities. Some fish are extremely sensitive to sudden temperature changes in the water.  

When it comes to feeding your fish, each species’ dietary needs are different. If you’re new to looking after these creatures, you may want to choose ones that have a simpler diet and steer away from types that must have live or frozen food to remain healthy. 

Preparing to bring fish home 

Aside from purchasing species that can cohabit amicably, you should consider the number of fish you want to stock in your aquarium. Understand that the young ones will have some growing to do. Take into account how large they will become as adults, and plan accordingly. Additionally, you don’t want the aquarium to become crowded with too many fish competing for space. Try to avoid this situation by buying a tank of reasonable size to begin with. In general, the bigger the tank, the better—even if you only have one or two fish.  

It’s important that your new pets have an environment that’s as comfortable and welcoming as possible. Ready the tank with a layer of rock or gravel, and look into the kind of plant life, ornaments, and driftwood that are best. These will offer your fish friends stimulation and a few hiding spots.   

Ongoing care 

One advantage of having fish as pets is that you can quite easily leave them for a day or two and they really won’t notice your absence. You can arrange for someone else to come by and feed them, or you can invest in an automatic feeder.  

The fact that they’re so easy to look after makes them ideal pets, and even your youngest human family members can participate in their care. Remember, just like other pets, fish can come down with an illness. Be sure to select a veterinarian that specializes in the care of aquatic creatures. With the correct research, preparation, and ongoing attention, you can pass many pleasant hours caring for these fascinating creatures.